In Memory of Krishna Das Swami from the GBC Executive Committee
By: ISKCON GBC Executive Committee for ISKCON News on July 29, 2016

Krishna Das Swami (middle) with BB Govinda Swami and Sivarama Swami.
The Executive Committee of ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission has issued the following statement appreciating the service of Krishna Das Swami, who has recently passed away in Vrindavan:
“His Holiness Krishna Das Swami’s life reads like a story from the scriptures, much like his glorious departure from this world.
Born in a pious family, His Holiness was trained by his grandfather in devotional practices from his very childhood. Armed with a lifetime of encouragement in serving his dear Lord and the philosophical training to understand the essence of human life, Maharaja took initiation in the Brahma Sampradaya while simultaneously continuing with his academic studies.
Years later, as a householder in London, Krishna Das Swami’s life took a dramatic turn when he first met his dear spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Krishna Das Swami immediately surrendered himself to the lotus feet of His Divine Grace.
What followed was a lifetime of extraordinary service all over the world, touching the hearts of many fortunate souls who dedicated themselves to the path of bhakti.
Maharaja constantly traveled and preached Krishna Consciousness all over the world including India (or Bharat, as Maharaja would always properly refer to the land of his birth), England, Mauritius, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Spain, Portugal, America, South America, the West Indies, and Europe. Maharaja met and discussed Krishna consciousness and vegetarianism with world leaders including Dr. Nelson Mandela. He also met with leaders of the Muslim community, sharing with them the teachings of Bhagavad-gita and developing affectionate interfaith relationships.
His Holiness was renowned for his fearless approach in preaching and his uncompromising attitude towards spiritual principles. Wherever he went and wherever he spoke, he would glorify Srila Prabhupada as the saviour of this material world. Maharaja requested his disciples to memorise and live by the principles Srila Prabhupada taught:
“Books are the basis; purity is the force; preaching is the essence; utility is the principle.”
And after a lifetime of inspirational devotional practice and service, Krishna Das Swami departed from this world in the same exemplary manner: completely focused on the essence of life. Although extremely ill, Maharaja asked that he be taken to Vrindavan. And just as he crossed into Vraja Mandala Bhumi, the most auspicious land of Sri Sri Radhe-Shyama’s pastimes, Maharaja departed from this world to continue his eternal devotional service.
We pray that the community of Vaisnavas may gain inspiration from Krishna Das Swami’s service, and also give encouragement and care to Maharaja’s associates and followers who are now bereft of his loving association and guidance.
The GBC Executive Committee particularly offers condolences and support to Maharaja’s dear disciples. You are most fortunate to have taken advantage of Maharaja’s association and shelter, and at this most difficult time, we pray that you will be strengthened by the love and support that is extended to you from our ISKCON family.”